Should I Use Ice or Heat?

Should I Use Ice or Heat?

This seems to be one of the most common questions I hear in my clinical practice, and it’s important that I try and share this information with a larger audience so I can hopefully lay to rest this ridiculously popular age-old question.

The answer may not be so simple, and it may surprise you…

4 Simple Injury Training Modifications

4 Simple Injury Training Modifications

One of the most common things I hear in my practice when asking patients about exercising with injury is “Well, I just won’t do (insert exercise that injured them/causes pain) anymore. Sadly, these are often exercises or movements that they enjoy doing, but are worried that they will be causing themselves more damage by continuing.

Either through fear or frustration, we give up on these exercises/activities. But is there another way?

Top 6 Tips For Using Standing Desks

Top 6 Tips For Using Standing Desks

We all know that our posture could use some work. We also may have noticed an increase in standing desks around the office, or at least heard stories of forward-thinking tech companies offering these “modern” workstation options to their employees. Well, these companies understand that the importance of your daily work posture is critical to your health!

Sounds great, so how exactly do I incorporate this into my workspace?

Text Neck and Chiropractic Care

Text Neck and Chiropractic Care

Text Neck is the pain many people experience in their neck, upper back, and shoulders areas most commonly stemming from long periods of using handheld electronics. As a whole, our society has drastically increased the amount of time we spend on our phones, tablets, and handheld video game devices.

How exactly does this affect our neck?

What's the Most Ideal Time to Exercise?

What's the Most Ideal Time to Exercise?

Do you tend to sit for most of the day? Do you generally lead a sedentary lifestyle? Are you looking to improve your health and longevity? Then you will definitely want to set aside some time to exercise.

That doesn’t mean you have to join an intense bootcamp class or buy into the latest workout trends. But it does mean including time to exercise in your already busy schedule.

Which begs the question: When is the best time to exercise?

Can Chiropractic Care help with Auto Accident Injuries?

Can Chiropractic Care help with Auto Accident Injuries?

Auto injuries can cause various detrimental effects on the body. These range from minor muscle strains and aches, to serious bodily injury with lifelong consequences. However, many do not realize that the symptoms can sometimes be delayed after the accident. Not seeking care immediately after an accident can lead to many conditions.

Top 9 Best Sleep Practices for Maximum Recovery

Top 9 Best Sleep Practices for Maximum Recovery


We all know we need to sleep “better”. What we fail to realize is the consequences of not prioritizing this necessary recovery tool. Lack of sleep affects us in different ways. It can have a negative effect on behavior, emotions, attention, social relationships and school/work performance. This not only applies to adults, as studies have shown that up to 40% of children and teenagers have sleep problems.

Therefore, here are some simple tips to help optimize both the quality and quantity of your sleep.

Top 5 Tips for Post-Exercise Low Back Pain

Top 5 Tips for Post-Exercise Low Back Pain

You felt great after that workout. Until you didn’t.

We’ve all experienced the endorphin rush following a great workout. Whether you were in the gym pushing for that extra rep, you just got off the bike after a brutally competitive ride in the hills, or you simply weren’t feeling that great but felt like you needed to get some exercise in anyway. You usually feel alright after the workout: breathing hard, wiping the sweat off your face, feeling proud of yourself for “getting through that”. Suddenly, you feel your back start to tighten up.